
The Online Collaborative Training for AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Project (OCTAVE) is a multi-organizational effort conceived to address common high priority topics while minimizing duplication of effort across HIV vaccine research groups. The OCTAVE Project’s mission is to create a shared e-Learning curriculum in preparation of and in follow-up to face-to-face workshops (i.e., blended-learning) that will benefit investigative teams throughout the world. The OCTAVE Project is led by a Leadership Group that strategically plans and guides implementation of the project’s ongoing development. This group is led by Jonathan Fuchs, MD, MPH, OCTAVE Chair, (San Francisco Dept. of Public Health & HIV Vaccine Trials Network); and Co-Chairs Jean- Pierre Kraehenbuhl, MD (HSeT Foundation); Janice Darden, MS (AIDS Clinical Trials Group); and Danna Flood, MPH (HIV Vaccine Trials Network). This leadership structure was born, in large part, from the dedication of these members and expertise each offers to guide the development of e-Learning approaches that focus on high priority training areas including: 1) laboratory methodology, led by Ms. Darden; 2) Good Clinical Practices and Informed Consent, led by Ms. Flood; 3) Vaccinology and Protocol Development, led by Dr. Fuchs; and 4) HIV pathogenesis, led by Dr. Kraehenbuhl.

OCTAVE Leadership

JaniceDardenACTG Operations Center Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.United States
DannaFloodHIV Vaccine Trials Network, SeattleUnited States
JonathanFuchsSan Francisco Dept. of Public Health; UCSFUnited States
Jean-PierreKraehenbuhlHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland

HSeT Fouudation Core Team

MarcBreitlerHSeT FoundationSwitzerland
NathalieDebardHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
Jean-PierreKraehenbuhlHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
AlainMeystreHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
BernardRossierUniversity of LausanneSwitzerland

Former HSeT team members

YanCorneille France
GuilhermeMarsonUniversity of Sao PaoloBrazil

Last update: Wednesday, November 12, 2014
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